...get to know me better
Florian Ross is a musical explorer.
His journey into the many lands of jazz began with studies in Cologne and later London and New York, where he honed his skills both as a pianist and a composer. Florian's special area of devotion and expertise was post-bop, which flowered into his remarkable ability today to handle all forms of contemporary and improvised music. His first album as a leader appeared in 1998. Now he has 18 to his name, with more on the way.
Florian's music comes from a deep synthesis of heart and mind, of feeling and intellect. This is why he can so effortlessly span the realms of improvised and composed jazz. His gifts as a piano player prevent him from being seduced into the abstract theory of purely intellectual composition, while his instincts as a composer enables him to steer clear of self indulgence on the keyboards.
And it's music of a breathtaking variety. The diversity of formats he works in is simply dazzling. He casually excels in every combination from solo, duo, trio and quintet right up to big bands and symphony orchestras.
He has taught at many German universities and academies and is currently teaching Piano and Composition at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Köln. Additionally he has been involved in teaching clinics and workshops all over the world. He has played, composed and arranged for many orchestras across Europe including the Metropole Orchestra, WDR and NDR Big Band. Florian’s international awards for playing and composing are too numerous to list, but among them are the coveted first prize in the Danish Radio Big Band International Thad Jones Competition and the prestigious WDR Jazz prize for composition.
Since October 2021 he is Professor for Jazz-Composition /-Arrangement and /-Theory at the Hochschule für Musik & Tanz, Köln.
Florian Ross gehört zu den vielseitigsten Künstlern unter den renommierten deutschen Jazzmusikern.
Er studierte Jazz-Komposition und Klavier in Köln, London und New York.
Seit 1992 lebt und arbeitet er in Köln als Komponist und Dirigent für große Jazz und Crossoverensembles. Als Pianist und Hammond-Organist spielt er regelmäßig internationale Tourneen und veröffentlichte bislang über 20 CDs unter eigenem Namen.
Als Komponist und Arrangeur hat er über 300 Auftragswerke für deutsche und internationale Ensembles geschrieben und wird zudem regelmäßig als Gastdirigent bei deutschen Radio Big Bands verpflichtet. 2015 erschien die erste Quintett-CD auf dem eigenen label Toy Piano Records.
Seit Oktober 2021 ist Florian Ross Professor für Jazz-Komposition /-Arrangement und /-Theorie an der Hochschule für Musik & Tanz, Köln.