discography since 1998
Florian Ross Octet - Tunes & Explorations
RELEASE DATE: 21 October 2022
Florian Ross Octet - Tunes & Explorations
Composed and arranged by Florian Ross, this new album, Tunes and Explorations re-imagines the American Songbook
You could characterize Florian Ross' latest endeavour as "new bottles, old wine." He decided to pay homage to the songs from the Great American Songbook after releasing numerous albums of original compositions. The objective was to produce vibrant, modern arrangements that retain or build upon the original melodies without dismantling them. This keeps those wonderful tunes true to their original intent while allowing Ross' compositional language to unfold. "Tunes & Explorations" is exactly what it sounds like: a journey into familiar territory using an unfamiliar path.
Turning 50 is a significant milestone for many people, perhaps more so in the arts than in almost any other profession. This is typically a time of deep reflection, looking back at what has passed and anticipating what is to come. As jazz musicians, this usually entails a nostalgic journey into the music of our predecessors, which for the most part involves the ever-present American Songbook. Metheny,
Lovano, Brecker, and countless others have all taken their turns at the forefront of creative jazz, while also referencing and honouring the music that influenced their creative endeavours - the Great American Songbook.
This collection of arrangements (including one original, Making Bagels, that feels and sounds like it's been in the cannon for decades) serves as a reminder that we all have the same jazz music roots. This iconic collection of songs has infiltrated the musical DNA of every jazz artist, including Florian. As a European jazz artist, it is perhaps most interesting to hear how Ross has interpreted these American classics, revealing the international appeal and language of jazz music.
Florian Ross Architexture - Music for Jazz Quartet & Wind Ensemble
RELEASE DATE: 25 September 2020
What do architects like Oscar Niemeyer, Maya Lin or Daniel Burnham have in common with music? What is the role of the physical spaces where music is created (both in composition as in performance)? How do the rules, design and construction of spaces correlate with the sonic space created in music? I think both architecture and music are forms of art which are deeply rooted in constructive rules that long to be stretched or even broken.
Jazz is particularly close to architecture: clear lines and forms are juxtaposed with wild excursions into improvisation. It’s hard to find two other forms of expression where the connection to tradition and possible ways one can break from it live so closely together.
The tension between composition and improvisation works much like the tension between “Classical Music” and Jazz. I like exploring those rifts, always with a deep awareness of the past and a bright look towards the future. With this music I invite the listener to equally wander through constructs of music and discover structures of sound.
The combination of woodwind ensemble and rhythm section - unprecedented in jazz history - represents an ideal platform for this idea. The solo woodwind group offers the opportunity to weave the two ensembles closer together and thus prevent the classical ensemble from becoming an accompanying carpet of sound, as is often the case with music exploring the intersection of Jazz and Classical music.
A live performance of music in a concert setting only exists for the duration of the performance - like a bridge that is torn down 60 minutes after its construction. In contrast, the audio recording of new compositions according to the composer’s scores and arrangements represent a lasting materialization of the creative content, just like the construction of a building according to an architect's plan. Only then can the intention and construction of the work be permanently "seen,” "heard,” or explored.
Florian Ross & WDR Big Band - Front & Center
RELEASE DATE: 04 December 2020
Bereits durch die regelmäßige Zusammenarbeit mit den Musikern der WDR Big Band konnte Ross die Eigenarten und Talente der einzelnen Solisten der Band genau kennenlernen . Diese Erfahrung und die musikalisch-menschliche Freundschaft zur Band sollte damit zur Basis für 10 maßgeschneiderte Komposition werden.
Alle Solisten der Band bekommen ihren Raum in der Musik, wodurch eine spannende Begegnung zwischen dem Farbspiel in Ross’ Stücken und den individuellen Stimmen der Musiker ermöglicht wird.
Als zusätzliche Farbe bedient Billy Test nicht nur den Flügel, sondern wechselt für zwei Stücke zur Hammond B3 - ein Instrument, das auch Ross seit vielen Jahren vertraut ist. Ein Kaleidoskop aktueller Big Band Musik getragen von der eindeutigen Handschrift eines deutschen Komponisten - was könnte besser zu WDR Big Band passen?
Trumpets: Andy Haderer, Wim Both, Rudd Breuls, Rob Bruynen
Trombones: Ludwig Nuss, Raphael Klemm, Andy Hunter, Mattis Cederberg
Saxes: Johan Hörlen, Karolina Strassmayer, Lennart Allkemper, Paul Heller, Markus Bartelt (sax)
Hanno Busch (guit), Billy Test (p/org), John Goldsby (b), Hans Dekker (dr)
weitere Musiker:
Benjamin Steil, Heiko Bidmon, Robin Rebetez (sax)
Tim Hepburn, Wolf Schenk (trb)
Florian Ross Quartet - Reason & Temptation
RELEASE DATE: 14 August 2020
The quartet was in the Deutschlandfunk studio in Cologne to record Florian Ross’ latest large ensemble project “ARCHITEXTURE” involving 7 woodwinds and a Jazz quartet when it turned out that the last day of the production wasn’t needed. After a week of hard work of bringing very structured and detailed music to life (Reason), the quartet spontaneously decided that they wanted to use the extra time in the studio to ‘just play’ in quartet (Temptation). Florian Ross knocked together some of his favorite unreleased pieces as well as an old Ralph Towner favorite and the band went for it. The album is a fantastic collection of seven group improvisation pieces and six songs.
The album starts with “Progress Report”, the first of those originals from Florian. The solos by saxophone and piano are free and both soloists get excellent support by drums and bass to increase their dynamics during the improvisation. Rather special and very “wooden” is the saxophone sound, but I like it very much.
The next two songs “Dandelion” and “Ignorance is Bliss” are group improvisations. “Dandelion”, dominated by piano and saxophone, starts in a very ambiguous mood, but has a beautiful and atmospheric ending. “Ignorance is Bliss” is a dialog between saxophone and bowed bass with some soft support by piano and drums.
“Rondo #4″ is the next original by Florian and this song is my absolute favorite. A superb melody and a gentle swinging band make it also the most conventional song on the album. Nice solos by piano and bass.
The album continues with two more group improvisations titled “Shallow” and “Teriyaki Terrier”. “Shallow” begins as a dialog between piano arpeggios and bass. Calm drumming and just a little bit of long saxophone notes are added. “Teriyaki Terrier” features Sebastian Gille on saxophone, an interesting dialog between bass and saxophone develops which is extended by drums and later piano.
Florian Ross / Lucas Leidinger - Checks & Balances
RELEASE DATE: 16 April 2021
Florian Ross & Lucas Leidinger - two pianists, two generations
Pianist, composer and arranger Florian Ross (*1972) has been touring the realms of jazz and improvised music for more than 20 years. He moves effortlessly in the most diverse formations from solo, duo, trio and quintet to big bands and symphony orchestras. In addition, he works as a teacher at various universities and academies, while he currently teaches piano and composition at the "Hochschule für Musik und Tanz" in Cologne.
There he met his former student - pianist and composer Lucas Leidinger (*1988). In the meantime he can look back on a quite remarkable career in the last years with eight published albums. Already during their studies the two developed a deep connection and great artistic exchange .
In August 2020 Florian Ross & Lucas Leidinger were invited to the Deutschlandfunk Studio in Cologne for a duo session on two pianos. The album "Checks and Balances" is the result of magical moments in which the two pianists explore and share their musical worlds. In spontaneously improvised sketches, specially selected compositions and the all-time classic "Amelia", a dialogue of two strong, individual voices emerges and merges into one. The emerging creative unity of the two combines elements from classical music such as music of the 20th century with jazz and sound experiments to create a pure moment of musical joy.
Florian Ross Quintet - Swallows & Swans
RELEASE DATE: 25 November 2018
One of Australia’s leading vocalists Kristin Berardi meets the compositions of Florian Ross. Recorded at the wonderful German National Radio Studio in Cologne. With his third album in the Quintet format, Ross focuses on the beautiful voice of Kristin Berardi. Especially composed vocal music with lyrics from the late 19th century make up an eclectic mix of melancholia and sheer beauty.
Florian Ross (comp., pno, DE)
Kristin Berardi (voc, AU)
Matthew Halpin (sax, IE)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass, DE)
Hans Dekker (dr, NL)
James Muller and SCJO - Okay
RELEASE DATE: 13 July 2018
Australia’s leading guitarist meets the dynamic raw power of the 2015 Sydney Con Jazz Orchestra. Recorded at one of NYC’s leading studios, System’s Two by acclaimed engineer Mike Marciano who has brought out the richness and dynacism of Ross’s orchestrations yet managed to capture the excitment and drive of Mullers guitar wizardry in this gorgeous 96k htz recording.
“a deserving addition to any Australian jazz collection” - The Australian
James Muller (guitar)
Florian Ross (composer & arranger)
David Theak (conductor)
plus 18 piece Sydney Conservatorium Jazz Orchestra
Florian Ross Trio - Pigs & Fairies
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2017
Florian Ross Trio
Pigs & Fairies 2017
Florian Ross: Electric Piano, Grand Piano, Yamaha FM Synthesizer, EFX
Dietmar Fuhr: Electric Bass, Upright Bass
Fabian Arends: Drums
*Paul Heller: (guest) Tenor Saxophone
"Pigs & Fairies should gladden those who lean toward fresh and unconventional precepts, especially when it comes to jazz piano trios."
- allaboutjazz.com
recorded September 7-9,2016 at Kammermusiksaal Deutschlandfunk, Köln by Stephan Schmidt
Radio producing by Harald Rehmann
Mixed & Mastered, Feb 2017 by Florian Ross
Mixing Assistance by Christian Heck
Cover Design & Photos by Florian Ross
Florian Ross Quintet - Lines & Crosscurrents
RELEASE DATE: 11 May 2015
An interesting blend of acoustic European Jazz á la ECM with a thrown in dash of groovy Synthesizer sounds and the Pedal Steel! Usually used for Country, Folk and the likes it is a very uncommon instrument in a Jazz context - new, wonderful sounds for your ears! Florian has written 12 new tunes especially for this album and lineup.
Florian Ross (p, synth)
Markus Segschneider (pedal steel, guitar)
Niels Klein (clar, tenor sax, bass-clar)
David Helm (acoustic bass)
Fabian Arends (drums)
RELEASE DATE: 08 May 2014
Trombonist-composer Craig Brenan isn’t one to stay still musically for long. His new recording, “Autonomic Robots” embraces his ongoing search for new ways to express himself through his music, While challenging the defining boundaries of jazz. By drawing upon outside influences and incorporating a small wind ensemble into his palette, Brenan has achieved the element of surprise for which reviewers have called him “singularly original”.
The album features brenan’s latest band, autonomic robots. A.R.’s ensembles unique instrumentation (clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, bass clarinet, trombone and drums) was chosen as a means to fully express the sounds and melodies that have been rumbling around him for the past decade. With generous arranging assistance from famed German composer Florian Ross, the combination is stunning.
Craig Brenan (trombone)
John Ellis (tenor sax/bass clarinet)
Connor Learmonth (bass clarinet/clarinet)
Dave Morgan (trumpet/flugelhorn)
Adrienne Lorway (clarinet/bass clarinet)
Raymond Baril (alto sax/clarinet/bass clarinet)
Ted Poor (drums)
Florian Ross (arrangements)
Craig Brenan - Autonomic Robots
Infinite Loop - One
RELEASE DATE: 06 May 2014
Udo Moll (trumpet, laptop)
Florian Ross (grand piano, loops, delay)
Florian Ross and Udo Moll know each other for a very long time. their electro-acoustic improv duo "infinite loop" is pretty fresh, though. this program combines fragments from minimal-techno, contemporary jazz and improvised soundscapes. their particular interest lies in exploring the rhythmic energies of reduced, superimposed patterns and in the dialectics of "repeating / interrupting". the narrative stability of this structure is now and then undermined by heavily romantic derailments. this is easy-listening avantgarde. rich in danger and beauty.
Florian Ross Big Company - Ties & Loose Ends
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2014
Ties & Loose Ends While reviewing files when I last cleaned out my computer hard drive, I found that between 1995 and 2012 I wrote roughly 200 compositions or arrangements for large jazz ensembles. I also found that most of this hadn‘t really been documented properly [loose ends] - something I usually take care of much earlier.
There have been the off-and-on recordings with various radio and university big bands, but those have usually been done hastily and with limited expectations. In January 2012 I decided that this had to change. I wanted to assemble a band of young, energetic musicians [loose ends] mixed with a nice dose of reliable old friends [ties] and write some thrilling new music just for them. When adding up the figures in my head, though, I soon realized, that I couldn‘t shoulder this alone [loose ends]. Luckily I found great support from Harald Rehmann (Deutschlandfunk), who lent me the radio‘s beautiful recording room [ties], as well as from Kunststiftung NRW, Initiative Musik and GVL who partially funded this project.
Well, I have to say it was an absolutely thrilling experience! The band played great, they treated me nicely, the splendid recording was done by an old friend of mine, Hrólfur Vagnsson, with whom I already recorded my very first album in 1998 [ties]. All in order! I hope we can pick it up from here [loose ends] and further explore many of the new musical relationships that emerged from this project [ties]. Thank you all!
SNJO - Culloden Moor Suite
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2013
Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
The disaster at Culloden on 16 April 1746 marks a moment in Scotland's timeline that forever changed the course of Caledonian history. It's also fair to say that the brutal nature of the conflict and its bloody aftermath has resonated in the Scots psyche ever since that fateful hour.
In 1961, Bobby Wellins was inspired to compose The Culloden Moor Suite after reading John Prebble's vivid account of the last pitched battle on British soil. Fifty years later, Bobby Wellins and the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra joined forces to re-create his thrilling and evocative music. Together they conjured up the fervour, the anticipation, the horror, and ultimately the lamentable failure of a lost cause paid for in blood.
The five-act structure of The Culloden Moor Suite also affords generous space for expressive soloists whose voices place the listener at the heart of the action and the centre of the landscape. In this specially commissioned arrangement by Florian Ross, the battle and its terrible aftermath are seen from a modern, yet wholly empathetic perspective.
There is surely no ensemble anywhere that is better qualified than the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra to interpret Bobby Wellins' emotive vision of this Highland tragedy through the medium of soul-stirring contemporary jazz.
Trio 120 - Enclosure
RELEASE DATE: 06 May 2013
Wolfgang Fuhr (tenor sax)
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Anette v. Eichel - Go Lightly
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2012
For this album I wrote a couple of arrangements and played Hammond Organ.
Anette von Eichel (voc)
Jesse van Ruller (guit)
Jasper Blom (sax)
Florian Ross (org)
John Hollenbeck (dr)
Florian Ross - Front Room Songs
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2012
Florian Ross (Hammond B3 organ, piano)
Multitrack, overdubs
Trio 120- Aram
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2011
The second recording featuring the Fuhr brothers.
Wolfgang Fuhr (tenor sax)
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Florian Ross Elektrio - Wheels & Wires
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2011
Jesse van Ruller (guit)
Florian Ross (org)
Martijn Vink (dr)
Nils Wogram's Nostagia - Sturm und Drang
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2011
Nils Wogram (trombone)
Florian Ross (organ)
Dejan Terzic (drums)
Florian Ross - Mechanism
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2009
Florian Ross (p)
Solo Piano
Florian Ross - Eight Ball & White Horse
RELEASE DATE: 06 May 2007
"Florian Ross‘s new album Eight Ball & White Horse is once again dominated by the typical features of his musical perspective on the world: rich pieces dispense with a jazz schema limited to themes, bridges, and solos and instead tell stories; an incomparable way of integrating the solo into the composition as a genuinely individual form of expression; and his warm, friendly way of opening doors for the listener. Never before has he worked out the contrast between objectivity and dreaminess as clearly as on this new CD. “Both sides can be found in me, but I don’t consciously summon up this contrast,” Ross states. “I am both a performing musician and composer. My previous CDs tended in one direction or the other. On the new CD I wanted to treat both aspects equally. I wanted the room for play to be greater for me and the other musicians than it was on the composed albums, but at the same time the composed music should be emphasized more than on the trio CDs. This CD documents the two sides coming together.”
Trio 120 - Flug
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2008
The first drumless trio recording featuring the Fuhr brothers. Also my first CD cover design.
Wolfgang Fuhr (tenor sax)
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Nils Wogram's Nostalgia - Affinity
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2008
Nils Wogram (trombone)
Florian Ross (organ)
Dejan Terzic (drums)
JazzGroove Mothership Orchestra - Dream Wheel
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2007
Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra
Live recording with this wonderful Sydney-based Jazz Orchestra! All my compositions except one by David Theak.
David Theak, Murray Jackson, Roger Manins, Scott Langley, Nick Bowd
Darryl Carthew, Tim Crow, Simon Ferenci, Matt Jodrell
Jeremy Borthwick, Lucian McGuiness, Danny Carmichael, Colin Burrows
Florian Ross - piano, rhodes
James Muller - guitar
Brendan Clarke -bass
Evan Mannell - drums
Florian Ross Trio - Big Fish & Small Pond
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2006
Inspired by the quintet recording of 2004, I decided to get together again with those two fabulous players!
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Stéphane Huchard (drums)
Florian Ross Quintet - Home & Some other Place
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2004
After my first quintet album of 1998, this is a new band with trumpeter Claus Stötter and drummer Stéphane Huchard. All compositions were written exclusively for this recording.
"If one overwhelming quality leaps out of the music of Florian Ross, it is his skill as a composer. He has a finely attuned sense for narrative and his pieces are rich in harmonic detail. Most of his music flows with a calm resplendence, yet he can pump up the pulse and get into a harder groove without losing the emotive essence.
Ross also has a gift for orchestrated arrangements. His ensemble lines are lush and seamless, filled with a shimmering grace. But even as these lend the romanticism to several of the pieces, he can go off that line and come in at a tangent, as he does with "Dr. Gradus. The members of his quintet converge from different angles, navigating their own little paths, before Matthias Erlewein comes in with some short, quick jabs on the tenor and Claus Stötter glides in on the flugelhorn and moves the bop drive from shadow to object.
The skein of "Like Like Like is of a different colour. Ross explores the nuances of the tune, and as he gets deeper into the pattern, he takes it away from the instincts of chamber music and turns it into a more absorbing ballad. There is a two-toned approach when "Arts & Chemistry get together. The trumpet, once going on a straight path, juts up and breaks into short convulsions; the tenor sax breathes a hard gnawing line; and the piano dances on an array of happy notes. There is no stasis, just a constant movement that provides an enthralling shift in its short but compulsive journey.
Ross and the band make this well worth tuning in to."
Jerry D'Souza, allaboutjazz.com
Claus Stötter (trumpet, flügelhorn)
Matthias Erlewein (tenor sax)
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Stéphane Huchard (drums)
Nils Wogram's Nostalgia Trio - Daddy's Bones
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2004
Nils Wogram (trombone)
Florian Ross (organ)
Dejan Terzic (drums)
Florian Ross Trio - Blinds & Shades
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2002
My first piano trio recording.
Florian Ross (piano)
Rémi Vignolo (bass)
John Hollenbeck (drums), Martijn Vink (drums live)
Florian Ross Brass Project - Lilacs & Laughter
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 2000
My first large ensemble recording released in 2000.
"In Lilacs and Laughter, young German pianist and composer Florian Ross and his colleagues achieve a remarkable creative balance between adventurous written forms and extemporization. This highly atypical expanded ensemble wisely avoids conventional arrangements and chord-spelling exercises in favor of Ross' thirteen highly challenging originals, which are consistently evocative, atmospheric, and memorable. The ensemble's consistent use of space in lieu of strongly defined chords results in tremendous tonal freedom relative to defined structures. Not excessively chromatic, nor overly concerned with metrics, this very forward-looking music bears witness to the fact that the future of Jazz lies in continued exploration. Original voices in composition are very rare, and Florian Ross stands among them."
James D. Armstrong, Jr., JazzNow.com, October 2000
Ingolf Burkhardt, Claus Stötter, Eric Vloeimans
Jürgen Neudert, Nils Wogram, Ed Partyka
French Horns:
Ruth Funke, Christine Chapman
Florian Ross (piano), Ingmar Heller (bass), John Hollenbeck (drums)
Suite for Soprano Sax & String Orchestra
(feat. David Liebman)
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 1999
"Composed and arranged by pianist Florian Ross, Suite For Soprano Sax and String Orchestra brings to life Ross’ concept to compose a series of pieces which are based upon pastoral themes of English classical composers. Here, soprano saxophonist Dave Liebman paves the way and assists fulfilling Ross’ master game plan which fuses classical music behind the guiding light of Liebman’s improvisations and thematic articulations.
On “Part 1” the listener is treated to lush strings in support of Liebman’s sinewy and melodic phraseology supplemented by Ross’ superb and very textural approach on the keys. Here and throughout, it should be noted that Dave Liebman has rarely sounded better through his adept utilization of vibrato, angular and rapid phrasing while generally maintaining the prominent melodies. Also, Liebman and the “The Event String Ensemble” are more or less in synch as they stay within the same key which at times can muddle or become distracting during hybrid jazz-classical outings of this ilk. On “Part 2”, Liebman’s sweet and passionate phrasing is stated in unison with the string section as this piece evolves into a somber ballad. On “Part 6”, Liebman is fast and furious over a driving and peppery backbeat supplied by drummer Jochen Ruckert and bassist Dietmar Fuhr. Yes, these folks do swing and break out of the occasional austere environs as Liebman demonstrates his keen sensibilities of driving the proceedings with either rapid thematic movement or pensive, heartfelt passages. On Part 6, a point could be made as to whether the string section adds much value to this composition as the arrangements come in spurts emphasizing Liebman’s soaring soprano sax work. Ross’ delightful utilization of harmonics is captured in “Part 5”. “Part 4” features a gorgeous melody as told through Liebman’s elegant and sonorous soprano sax. Here, Ross’ enhances this clever and enduring arrangement through his graceful, elegant phrasing and chord progressions.
Florian Ross’ concept work rather well, as the compositions are meaningful, melodic and taken as a whole the project emits an air of continuity and a uniform flow. Dave Liebman’s brilliant soprano sax work is the major ingredient here. A saxophonist of lesser talents may have proved disastrous for this recording. Apparently, Ross’ had Liebman in mind from the onset and thankfully, Liebman obliged.Suite For Soprano Sax and String Orchestra is a joyful listening experience and all involved should be commended for their efforts! Recommended. * * * *"
Glen Astarita allaboutjazz.com
Florian Ross (piano)
David Liebman (soprano sax)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Jochen Rückert (drums)
Florian Ross Quintet - Seasons & Places
RELEASE DATE: 05 May 1998
"Many American jazz musicians who spend time collaborating with European counterparts invariably state that some of the most challenging and innovative jazz emanates from outside of the United States. Those musicians should be in a position to know. And a cursory review of what's happening in the U.S., what with retreads and reinventions of Ellington and Monk, gives support to the argument about invention coming from other countries besides the one where jazz arose.
That's not entirely a true statement when listeners accept the new languages and explorations of musicians like Ben Allison, Don Byron, Uri Caine or Dave Douglas. But the point is not diminished that much of the extensions of jazz composition and improvisation comes from overseas.
Such is the case with Florian Ross' quintet. "Seasons and Places" is the first CD released with Ross as a leader, and it has to be one of last year's most outstanding premiere jazz CD's. Unfortunately, it may remain undiscovered because of limited U.S. distribution and weak name recognition.
Ross proves himself to be not only a strong presence on each of the tunes, but also his compositional skills are admired by none other than the respected Jim McNeely in the well-written liner notes. With Ross' experiments in time signatures and harmonic advances, we find a group more in tune with some of the more explorative Wayne Shorter/Herbie Hancock work than any others that may come to mind. Indeed tenor saxophonist Matthias Erlewein adopts a tone and method of intervallic placement that's reminiscent of Shorter's language of his Blue Note heyday. And Ross offers a dynamic musical sensibility even when he accompanies his hornmen, for example merely moving the modulations along with half-noted, dense chords.
With several awards and experience arranging for European big bands behind him, Ross has chosen to present his quintet in the middle range with the assistance of tenor sax and trombone. In that respect, his group is similar in darkness and timbre to Dave Holland's. Exhibiting a range of moods, from the rapid-fire "Clapham Junction" to the meditative "Winteraire," Ross has put together an excellent CD, consisting as it does of excellent musicians, all deserving much wider recognition.
The impressionistic and unpredictable "Seasons and Places" is highly recommended for listeners who appreciate unconventional approaches to composition and a high level of improvisational complexity."
Don Williamson, 52ndstreet.com
Matthias Erlewein (tenor sax)
Nils Wogram (trombone)
Florian Ross (piano)
Dietmar Fuhr (bass)
Jochen Rückert (drums)